Our Partners
We aim to find the change makers in vulnerable communities
so that we may come alongside them and leverage their vision. With our support, our ministry and business partners have grown to be some of the most effective and successful programs in their area.

The Community
The community of Korah is an area located in the capital city of Addis Ababa, known by some as the trash dump community. The population is estimated at over 100,000 people and the village is centered around the city’s landfill.
The Challenge
Having been originally established as a leper colony, it is where the city’s lepers and crippled reside, however, diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis are much more common today. Many families living in Korah either consider themselves beggars or earn an income by collecting things from the trash dump.
Our Programs
Our Sponsorship Program allows families to get their basic needs met including food, hygiene materials, education, and medical care. We also select two families per month to receive a small business loan, in order to receive business training and work toward a sustainable source of income.
The Community
Hand in Hand serves a variety of needs throughout Addis Ababa, with a focus on the Chirkos community. Chirkos is a local village known for it’s severe poverty and high rate of prostitution. As a result, there is also a high rate of fatherless children in the area.
The Challenge
Teachers in Chirkos have shared their experiences of children fainting in class due to lack of food at home, and often children find quitting school as the only option. Breaking the cycle of poverty is extremely difficult when there is a lack of consistent nutrition and a lack of education.
Our Programs
Hand in Hand offers a daily feeding program for at-risk children located at a government school in Chirkos, in which over 100 children receive a nutritious lunch, enabling them to focus in the classroom.
Sponsorships vary based on need and include Family Sponsorships to meet the basic needs of families, Aging Out Youth Sponsorships, Boarding School Sponsorships, and Private School Sponsorships.
The Ministry
Mission 10:10 believes that God’s intention was not for us to simply exist, but live abundant, full lives. Mission 10:10 provides a Christ-centered home to children ages 8-12 that were found living on the streets.
The Challenge
Children make up a large population of those living on the streets of Addis Ababa. They end up on the streets for a number of reasons, including abuse at home or hopes of finding work in the city. These children usually resort to stealing to sustain “street life” and many are addicted to sniffing glue, which makes them high and less aware of hunger or cold temperatures.
Our Programs
We support the daily expenses of the ministry to allow them to continue reaching street children. Mission 10:10 houses street children at their central compound, helping them transition to living in a loving, god-centered home off the streets and out of danger. Additionally, the ministry provides nutrition, medical care, education, spiritual development, and socialization, with a goal to eventually transition these children into a local Ethiopian foster family, where they will experience the love and comfort of a forever family.
The Community
Talita Rise Up is located in Southern Ethiopia in a village called Yirg’alem. It is home to some 30,000-40,000 residents, many of whom are HIV positive. The city is surrounded by farm land.
The Challenge
Despite the government’s provision of medications to combat HIV, many find it doesn’t work due to their poverty and lack of required nutrition. Additionally, Yirg’alem and surrounding areas have higher rates of sexual abuse, child marriages, and abandoned children, due to it’s rural climate.
Our Programs
Talita Rise Up houses children who were abandoned as young as a few days old in the Talita Rise Up Orphanage. They also conduct a Saturday Feeding Program where more than 150 children come to eat, play, and hear Bible teachings.
Our Sponsorship Program supports the most vulnerable families in the area with their basic needs, including food, hygiene items, education, and medical care. Additional programs include Women’s Empowerment, Teen Girls Empowerment, and Educational Sponsorships.
The Community
Endihnew Hope is located on Entoto Mountain, on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. There’s much more green, lush open space than in the city, but they are disconnected from city amenities like educational and work opportunity.
The Challenge
Most families living on Entoto Mountain have come from rural regions in search of “holy water”, which they believe is held at the local Orthodox church. Many Orthodox believers believe that this water can heal them from disease. Because they come from rural areas, they often lack money, education, and a trade, which leaves children on Entoto Mountain often struggling with food shortages and lack of medical care.
Our Programs
Endihnew Hope has a Saturday Feeding Program where more than 200 children come to eat lunch and play at the ministry’s compound with local volunteers.
Our Sponsorship Program allows the most vulnerable families in the area to receive their basic needs, including access to food, hygiene items, education, and medical care.
The Endihnew Hope Medical Clinic, funded by Ordinary Hero, treats approx. 50 people each month, in addition to home visits completed by the staff throughout the week.