Video Blog
Video Blog: Our Founder’s Story
Video Blog: Corona Virus Response
Video Blog: We’re All In This Together

Stories From the Field
A Ripple Effect
At 20 years old, Meron is trying to find her way as she navigates epilepsy and a lack of education. Due to a stressful home environment, she moved to Entoto Mountain which is where we met her.
Fantu’s Story
Fantu quickly realized after birth that Arsema had disabilities and that she would require extra care. In response, Fantu’s husband left.
The Impact of Change Partners
We have named all of our monthly donors 'Change Partners'. The reason is simple. You are the reason we get to see change in the lives of children and families in need.
COVID-19 Relief in Ethiopia
Though we aren’t able to physically be in Ethiopia during this time, we are deeply encouraged by what we CAN accomplish through our Change Partner funds and local staff.
How Your Gift Changes Lives
Medhanit Dole is a wife and mom to three. When we met her, she shared with heaviness that only two out of her three children lived with her.
The Privilege of Being Called “Sponsor Mom”
We are so proud of all her hard work. It is amazing to see what God has done with her life. She gives all the glory to Him.
Klee Buddy
Sometimes miracles are hard to see. But sometimes they are written all over the lives of those we cross paths with on any given day if we take time to look a little deeper.
3 Reasons For School Supplies
Students that lack supplies will often feel “less than” their classmates. When a child does not have to worry about a lack of school supplies, it lays the groundwork for a confident student that can learn to his or her best ability.
Trip Reflection From A Student-Athlete
As I sit on the plane heading back to Lexington, it’s really hard to find the words to even begin to describe my week in Ethiopia. I’m so overwhelmed with emotions & thoughts.
The Power of One person
This past trip was really hard for me because when you go back, you see some of the same sweet faces in the same heartbreaking conditions. I realized quickly that I can not change the world.
“Help Me Love My People.”
I returned home from my first trip to Ethiopia a completely different person than when I had landed in Addis Ababa nine days earlier.
A New Era of Orphan Care
In recent months, Ethiopia has banned international adoption. Since returning from Ethiopia, I’ve felt an enormous burden to raise my voice about what I saw and experienced within orphanages effected by the recent ban.
Erihale’s Story
Erihale and her father Atkilt recently asked to be taken off the receiving end of sponsorship because they are now self-sustainable.